The Evaluation Process

Long story short, the recruiters who have interviewed candidates will need to compare notes, combine their feedback, and discuss who they think should be invited back for further interviews. Typically, the head of recruiting, or someone in HR, or the school team captain will facilitate some sort of process—formal or informal—of collecting all of the feedback on the candidates and making decisions on who to call back, who to reject, and possibly who to put on hold.

If the recruiters use formal evaluation forms or take notes, these can be reviewed and evaluated. More often, recruiters get together and discuss the candidates to make decisions on who gets invited back. Then candidates can be contacted as quickly as that evening or the next day or within the next few weeks.

Recruiters’ valuation processes are based on the organization’s culture and how that culture dictates how information is processed, and the way recruiters communicate with each other and attend to difficult decisions. For some organizations, consensus will be most important. For others, lively debate will prevail, but in the end the majority will rule or that of a decision maker or group of decision makers who is ultimately responsible.

At this point, there’s not a lot you can do. You have done your best, hopefully, and it’s now in the recruiter’s hands. How you follow up within the next 24 to 48 hours can make a difference, however. Make sure to send your thank-you notes. See the reminders below.

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