
Informational interviewing is a method of career exploration and a way of discovering jobs not publicly advertised. It is NOT the same as a job interview. Informational interviewing allows you to talk with people already in the industry you have targeted. By obtaining informational interviews, you have gained access to the “inside information” regarding career paths, alternate careers that will use your skills, and people … [ Read more ]


  • It is less formal than an interview, so both you and the person you are meeting with will feel free to have a conversation rather than a cross-examination.
  • You define the agenda, and so you can learn about the broad issues and needs of the person’s organization. This will help you discover opportunities still in the making–as well as those that are already defined.
  • If you

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Informational Interview Tips

Take the initiative to set up informational interviews with people in your network (alumni, people referred to you by your career center or your personal network, or other people you have identified in companies or industries you are eager to learn about). They should last about 30 minutes and be held in a place convenient to the interviewee.

During the informational interview, ask … [ Read more ]