Resume Readiness Quiz

  1. Does your resume have an objective or summary statement?
    Answer: My resume is targeted to my current career goal and includes my desired job title in a Career Summary section.
    Monster’s Feedback: The most effective resumes have an objective or summary that includes a clear job target. This enables hiring managers to understand your career goals and qualifications at the beginning of the resume.
  2. How

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Drawing the Resume Reader a Map

Show me a clear-cut sense of direction. I keep seeing resumes that are little more than buckets into which a lot of data has been dumped in the apparent belief that I will fill in the gaps, synthesize diverse information, connect the dots and tell you what kind of product you are. I have no incentive to do this, given the number of knights eager … [ Read more ]

Electronic Resume Dos and Please Don’ts

When you go from a traditional paper resume to an electronic format, it’s important to make some technology-friendly changes. How many of these cyber resume dos and don’ts are you following?


  • Use 10-point or 12-point type.
  • Use an easy-to-scan typeface such as Helvetica or Times Roman.
  • Leave a bit of space between paragraphs.
  • Use synonyms so your resume qualifies for as many jobs as possible.
  • Put

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How to Pinpoint Accomplishments That Will Make Your Resume Shine

  • Ditch the modesty. “The resume is absolutely no time to be humble,” says Heather Eagar, owner of, a reviewer of resume-writing services. Remember that you are a solution to the hiring manager’s problem, advises Ms. Rosemarin, president of Sense-Able Strategies Inc. If you are uncomfortable, think of your list of accomplishments as sharing instead of bragging, she says.
  • Review a performance checklist. Ask yourself

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Objective Section or Qualifications Summary?

While it’s important for your resume to include a clear career goal, you don’t have to convey it through an Objective section. The majority of job seekers may incorporate their career goals into a Qualifications Summary instead.

Career changers and entry-level workers should consider incorporating their objectives into their resumes, because their goals may not be clearly defined by their work history alone. … [ Read more ]

Pattern Your Resume on Leaders in Your Field

  • Talk to professionals in your field. Look for successful people in your chosen career field and human resources managers in that area. They’ll be able to tell you what employers want to see.
  • Limit advice from those closest to you. Sure, your family and friends may be more than willing to look over your résumé, but that doesn’t mean they know what’s correct or what

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Put Your Resume to the 10-Second Test

Many resume reviewers skim resumes for as little as 10 seconds during the initial screening, so your resume needs to quickly relay your objective and key qualifications. Show it to someone unfamiliar with your career field, and see if the person understands your goal and top credentials after a 10-second review. If not, revise your resume so your important selling points are easy to find … [ Read more ]

Quick Tip: Keep Your Kudos to Update Your Resume

Want to make updating your resume a snap? Keep an ongoing kudos file, containing performance reviews, notes about recent accomplishments, letters of reference, awards, training and new skills developed. When it’s time to update your resume, your kudos file will put your recent achievements at your fingertips.

Recruiters’ Top 20 Resume Pet Peeves

  1. Spelling Errors, Typos and Poor Grammar
    According to Bruce Noehren of J. Douglas Scott & Associates, this directly reflects your reputation. “You don’t gain anything by getting it right,” he says. “This is credibility you should already possess.” Of course, you want to use spell check, but that won’t catch every mistake. “Manger” is a correctly spelled word, but it means something very different from

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Reduce Resume Redundancy

Review the words you use to describe your accomplishments on your resume, and try not to use any verb more than twice. For example, if multiple sentences begin with “managed,” substitute some of them with “directed,” “oversaw,” “coordinated” or “led.” This helps keep your writing lively and readers engaged.

12 Tips for Rewriting Your [Web] Resume

Writing a resume is a task that every job seeker loves to hate. Writing a Web resume is even tougher. Here’s how to create a document that will put everyone on the same Web page.

What’s in Your Resume?

  1. Think nouns, not verbs. Career counselors used to advise job seekers to pepper their resumes with action verbs that would impress HR

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Resume Critique Checklist

First Impression

  • Does the resume look original and not based on a template?
  • Is the resume inviting to read, with clear sections and ample white space?
  • Does the design look professional rather than like a simple typing job?
  • Is a qualifications summary included so the reader immediately knows the applicant’s value proposition?
  • Is the length and overall appearance of the resume appropriate given the career level and objective?

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19 Words that Don’t Belong in Your Resume

It’s hard to believe that a few words could irritate someone enough to make them stop reading your resume, but it’s true. Some hiring managers and recruiters admit that they have their own mental lists of words that annoy them. Resume how-to books may recommend that you pack your resume full of as many verbs, adjectives, and adverbs as you can. But if you aren’t … [ Read more ]

Tips for Writing CVs for Overseas Employers

Dreaming about a job abroad? Or maybe your spouse is transferring overseas, and you’re scouting career options. When applying to employers abroad, you’ll need a curriculum vitae (CV)—the job hunter’s document used outside of the U.S. that corresponds to an American-style resume. The differences between them are subtle but a CV is essential to moving through the first step of applying for positions.

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A Resume That Shows Them the Super-You

If the last time you retooled your resume was back in the days before you reached the airy heights of senior management, you’ve got some work ahead of you. Chances are, everything you know about resume writing is wrong. Cramming all your personal information onto a single page or listing “objectives” may work for grad students looking for their first real jobs, but not for … [ Read more ]

Value of a Reverse-chronological Format

Reverse-chronological resumes answer readers’ natural questions in a logical way:

  • What’s the product you’re selling? (This is answered by the “Profile” or “Summary of Qualifications” section of your resume.)
  • Who has trusted you before? (Answered by your list of past employers.)
  • How long did they trust you? (Answered by the duration of your jobs.)
  • What’s the biggest thing they trusted you with? (Your past job titles.)
  • What were

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Are You Ready for the Scan?

The first pair of eyes to look at your resume may not be human. Many companies scan resumes into a database, and then select applicants by searching keywords. So you need to include a broad range of the right keywords in your resume. Determine what ones to include by checking job listings to see which buzzwords appear in the descriptions of positions that interest you. … [ Read more ]

What Every Resume Needs

Check your resume for these four must-haves:

  1. An error-free presentation—no typos and a consistent design.
  2. A clear focus with an easily determined job objective.
  3. Evidence of your accomplishments; show that you went above and beyond your job duties.
  4. Keyword density. Include industry keywords so your resume will be found in electronic applicant searches.

Choose the Right Resume Format

Basically, there are three standard resume formats:


The chronological is the best known format and is one of the easiest to write. It follows the reverse historical outline of your work experience.

Its strengths are:

  • Allows the reader to quickly identify the “what” “where” and “when” of your work experience
  • Shows effectively the progression of responsibilities through your chosen industry or

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Words that Score On a Resume

When you are searching for a new job, a successful résumé is your first hurdle to employment. The way you present yourself and your skills via your résumé can open the doors to a better variety of interviews.

No matter the industry, every employer is looking for candidates with a specific set of abilities and experiences, which are most often described in the … [ Read more ]