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5 Ways to Put Out Feelers Before Starting an All-Out Search

  1. Make yourself visible—discreetly.
    Raise your career profile through social-networking sites that work through referrals, such as Linkedin.com and Zoominfo.com. Many recruiters these sites as a starting base, says recruiter David Perry, managing partner of Perry-Martel International Inc. in Ottawa. “You’ve got to do maybe a half hour’s worth of work, and you make yourself eminently findable, without exposing yourself.”
  2. Work your industry associations.

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Don’t Hunt for a Job, Farm for It

Eunice Azzani is managing director of the San Francisco office of Korn/Ferry International, a leading executive-search firm. She farms high-level executives for the world’s most powerful companies and has had “a good time pushing the envelope and wreaking havoc all the way.” Azzani offers the following guide to career gardening.

Get a Story

Before you can achieve the job of your … [ Read more ]

The Five Worst Ways to Find a Job

  1. Randomly mail out résumés to employers. That method has a 7% success rate. (One study revealed that there is one job offer for every 1,470 résumés floating around out there. Another study puts the figure even higher—one job offer for every 1,700 résumés.)
  2. Answer ads in professional or trade journals appropriate to your field. That method also has only a 7% success rate.
  3. Answer ads in newspapers

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What to Do before You Accept a Job Offer

There’s nothing better than getting offered the job you want. But no matter how psyched you are to have an offer, you should always give yourself some time to think it over–preferably a day. Spend this time figuring out if the offer truly is right for you. The following guidelines are precautionary, but they’ll prevent problems from happening down the line.

Get the … [ Read more ]

The Five Best Ways to Find a Job

  1. Ask for job leads from family members, friends, people in the community, and staff at career centers. Ask them this one simple question: Do you know of any jobs in my field? That method has a 33% success rate.
  2. Knock on the doors of any employers, factories, or offices that interest you, whether or not they have vacancies. That method has a 47% success rate.
  3. Use the

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Basics of a Successful Hunt

To help you conclude your next job search with a sure kill, Fast Company asked Nick A. Corcodilos, author of the myth-busting book titled “Ask the Headhunter”, to map out a plan for reinventing the rules of the hunt.

  1. Your resume is meaningless.
    Headhunters know that a resume rarely gets you inside a company. A resume can’t defend you or answer questions about you.

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Expanding Your Career Resources Beyond Campus

Job Search Skills

  • Self-Assessment: Before you begin, it is important to have a clear understanding of what you want and which jobs match your skills and interests.
  • Detective: You must “dig out” the information you need to develop prospects.
  • Communication: You’ll have to rely on both written and verbal communication skills to get a job. Your resume, cover letters, and interviews are essential.
  • Research: You need

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Make Employers an Offer To Land the Job You Seek

As a newcomer to unemployment, you’ve been taking the standard approach—sending out your resume and banking on a hiring manager to call with a $90,000-a-year job reserved just for you. This is not going to happen.

You need to start using your intellect instead of your emotions, and analyze what’s happening. You’re doing exactly what everyone else is doing, which makes your job … [ Read more ]

Online Job Resources: Beyond the Big Three

Those career seekers who stick to the biggest jobs sites are missing out on a ton of opportunities—more than one-half of listings are on other sites, according to Wanted Technologies.

During June 2004, Wanted Technologies scanned through over 300 employment sites related to the top five Metropolitan Statistical Areas in the US to collect data for the study. Job boards that are … [ Read more ]

Use the Web to Get Info on Preferred Companies

Despite all the promise of Internet job hunting, a tiny proportion of jobs are filled online. Forrester Research found that even at the peak of the tech boom, only 4% of job hunters found employment through online boards. (Help-wanted ads scored a 23% success rate that same year.) “Job boards are a research tool, not a matchmaking service,” says Margaret Riley Dikel of the Riley … [ Read more ]