19 Words that Don’t Belong in Your Resume

It’s hard to believe that a few words could irritate someone enough to make them stop reading your resume, but it’s true. Some hiring managers and recruiters admit that they have their own mental lists of words that annoy them. Resume how-to books may recommend that you pack your resume full of as many verbs, adjectives, and adverbs as you can. But if you aren’t … [ Read more ]

Sample Letter to send to a hiring manager


Mr./Ms. [first name] [last name]


[company name]

[street address]

[city], [state] [zip code]

Dear Mr./Ms. [last name],

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on [date] to discuss the [name of position] opening. I enjoyed talking with you and [taking a tour of the office, seeing the computer room, or … [ Read more ]

Sample Letter to potential colleague on the same level


Mr./Ms. [first name] [last name]


[company name]

[street address]

[city], [state] [zip code]

Dear [you can use a first name if the interview was informal],

Thank you for taking the time to talk with me the other day [or use the specific date] while I was visiting [company name]. I enjoyed my time … [ Read more ]

Sample Letter to the HR director


Mr./Ms. [first name] [last name]


[company name]

[street address]

[city], [state] [zip code]

Dear Mr./Ms. [last name],

Thank you for setting up my interviews [or conducting the interviews] when I visited [company name] on [date]. I enjoyed meeting you and [names of people you also interviewed with]. I appreciate the time that the staff … [ Read more ]