Action Words for a Resume (by Skill)

Management Skills

administered, analyzed, assigned, attained, chaired, consolidated, contracted, coordinated, delegated, directed, evaluated, executed, improved, increased, organized, oversaw, planned, prioritized, produced, recommended, reviewed, scheduled, strengthened, supervised


Teaching Skills

adapted, advised, clarified, coached, communicated, coordinated, demystified, developed, enabled, encouraged, evaluated, explained, facilitated, guided, informed, instructed, persuaded, set goals, stimulated, trained

Communication Skills

addressed, arbitrated, arranged, authored, collaborated, convinced, corresponded, developed, directed, drafted, edited, enlisted, formulated, influenced, interpreted, lectured, mediated, moderated, negotiated, persuaded, promoted, publicized, reconciled, recruited, spoke, translated, wrote


Helping Skills

assessed, assisted, clarified, coached, counseled, demonstrated, diagnosed, educated, expedited, facilitated, guided, motivated, referred, rehabilitated, represented


Research Skills

clarified, collected, critiqued, diagnosed, evaluated, examined, extracted, identified, inspected, interpreted, interviewed, investigated, organized, reviewed, summarized, surveyed, systematized


Creative Skills

acted, conceptualized, created, customized, designed, developed, directed, established, fashioned, founded, illustrated, initiated, instituted, integrated, introduced, invented, originated, performed, planned, revitalized, shaped


Technical Skills

assembled, automated, built, calculated, computed, configured, designed, devised, engineered, fabricated, installed, maintained, operated, overhauled, programmed, remodeled, repaired, retrieved, solved, upgraded


Financial Skills

administered, allocated, analyzed, appraised, audited, balanced, budgeted, calculated, computed, developed, forecast, managed, marketed, planned, projected, researched


Clerical/Detail Skills

approved, arranged, catalogued, classified, collected, compiled, executed, generated, implemented, inspected, monitored, operated, organized, prepared, processed, purchased, recorded, retrieved, screened, specified, systematized, tabulated, validated

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