Professor John Sullivan argues that sizing up a company means asking “bone-chilling” questions—and seeing whether people are willing to answer. “Be skeptical,” he says. “You need an accurate job preview, and that means posing tough questions.” Here are a few of his favorites:
- What are the worst aspects of your company’s culture?
- What does the company plan to do over the next year to make things better?
- Who is your best customer? Your worst? What would those customers say about your company and its products?
- When top performers leave, why do they leave and where do they go?
- What are the biggest problems facing this department over the next two years?
- If you were my best friend, what would you tell me about this job that you haven’t already said?
Author: Michael Warshaw
Source: The Job Rating Game
Original Publication: Fast Company
Subjects: “Interviewing” Companies, Interviewing
Source: The Job Rating Game
Original Publication: Fast Company
Subjects: “Interviewing” Companies, Interviewing
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