Job Expectations Questions

Ask the following questions to determine your priorities and what you expect from a job.

  • Job Training
    Will you receive the training you need soon after being hired and in the first year or two with the organization? The type of training varies with each job, so during the recruiting process, you should ask about the initial and ongoing training. Are you comfortable with the offering? Does it seem there will be additional opportunities for learning beyond day-to-day experience?
  • Career Clarity
    Does the employer provide a clear picture of the career paths and opportunities available to new hires? This may become more important once you have completed a training program. How long are you expected to remain in the first assignment?
  • Work Autonomy
    Each new hire comes with a different set of experiences and learning curves. Discussions with supervisors should include assessments of your skill level and your desire for appropriate autonomous work. Once you have completed a training program, can you work independent of close supervision?
  • Work Tasks
    Is there opportunity for clearly defined work assignments that are interesting, satisfying and challenging? Satisfaction often comes with accomplishing assignments that stretch you. Are you able to share in decisions about your work assignments?
  • Supervisors as Coaches
    Is your supervisor capable of establishing a coaching relationship with you? Supervisors who can provide direct performance feedback and career advice contribute to greater retention of new hires. Does your supervisor help you acclimate to the company culture and assist you in meeting staff from other departments?
  • Career Development
    Does your job open you to diverse learning experiences that help develop your career? Are you heading in the direction agreed upon when you were hired? Are there opportunities to move in different directions as your interests change and you develop new skills?
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