Get a better picture of a potential job by asking these 14 questions

  1. What do you find most frustrating about your position?
  2. Why is this position open?
  3. Can you describe a typical day in this role?
  4. Where do you see this position in three to five years?
  5. What is the company’s policy regarding training?
  6. Would the job description assigned to me be based on my interest areas?
  7. What are the company’s financial stability and future growth possibilities?
  8. Could you describe the work culture (do people work overtime, etc.)?
  9. What are the personal growth opportunities (such as leadership training, company supported community work, and mentoring)?
  10. What is the training budget for the ___ staff?
  11. How many ___ staff employees do you have?
  12. How many people are supported by the ___ staff?
  13. What technologies have you implemented?
  14. What are your major initiatives for the year?

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