Four Kinds of Luck

Luck is defined here as an unexpected reconfiguration of events – or things happening in ways that are surprising. There seem to be four kinds of luck. You cannot control any of them, but you can influence two of them.

  1. First is luck by accident. This kind of luck is unplanned and you have little or no influence or control. Natural disasters fit this category. If you are born physically attractive or into a stable and loving family, that’s also luck by accident. Life just happens to you. You feel powerless. Your company gets purchased and you get laid off. Your car is vandalized in your driveway at home. You find $400. The nature of luck by accident is that you can’t influence it. You can only respond to it. When it appears to be bad luck, there is an opportunity to find the “silver lining”. You can learn from experience and try to avoid a recurrence. When it is good luck, make the most of it. Take advantage of chance good fortune.
  2. Luck in retrospect is second. Wasn’t it lucky that Steve was late for his freshman English class and the only seat left was next to the woman who later became his wife? Luck in retrospect is luck acknowledged later, when you are looking back. At the time of the event you didn’t know it was lucky, so you cannot influence it. You are just living your life and only later see the luck. Luck in retrospect requires recognition of a past event.
  3. Next is luck by opportunity. This kind of luck also requires recognition, but here you need to see the opportunity when it occurs and be prepared to take advantage of it. While luck by accident presents you with an obvious piece of luck, luck by opportunity requires you to recognize the luck and make a timely response. All of the opportunities on earth will be of no value to you unless you are prepared to use them. Louis Pasteur said, Chance favors the prepared mind. Every day of your life adds to your preparation for recognizing tomorrow’s opportunities. Recognize the opportunity and take advantage of it to make it lucky. Carpe diem, seize the day. This kind of luck is when preparation meets opportunity.
  4. Last is luck by design. You are looking for a new job. You read newspapers and professional publications looking for leads. You go to professional meetings. You talk to everyone you know. You tell whomever will listen what you are looking for. (It’s the same whether it’s a job, a used car or computer, office space or an apartment to rent.) This is luck by design. You know your goal, you just don’t know how you will get there from here. You work to be lucky. It is planned luck.

Each of these types of luck is not separate and distinct. They overlap in places and often a lucky event involves more than one kind of luck. It is important to remember that while you cannot control any kind of luck, you can influence both luck by opportunity and luck by design. You can increase your chances of being lucky.

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