4 Factors That Can Increase Your Perceived Worth

There are at least four factors that can increase your perceived worth. All of them fit into the context of networking and interviewing, and all of them can be turned to your advantage without alienating potential employers.

  1. How You See and Present Yourself
    Are you confident? Do you speak convincingly about your accomplishments? Do you have a clear and credible objective? Do you understand and seem to fit in with the company’s culture? You will generate more buyer enthusiasm if the company sees you as a long-term asset than if it sees you only as right for this particular job.
  2. How the Company Sees the Value of the Work to Be Done
    This is your opportunity to put the work in a broader context than the company may see. Instead of talking about providing good customer service, for example, you might discuss retaining valued customers and increasing business activity. If you present some convincing illustrations, the job might seem worthy of a higher valuation—including, perhaps, a bonus for achieving objectives that you help define.
  3. How the Company Perceives Your Appropriateness for the Job
    You want to demonstrate that what you’ve learned and achieved in the past, along with your understanding of the company’s needs, makes you more qualified than other candidates.
  4. How Your Discussion of Compensation and Benefits Plays Out
    Your attention to the first three factors should already have raised the company’s estimation of your value. The direct discussion—often thought of as the whole of negotiation—is where you apply your skills at recapitulation, listening, and politely asserting the value you have established.
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