Redefine Your Relationships

Now that you’re in charge, you will need to balance the pull of the past with the requirements of the new job, which call for you to play a bigger role in the operation of the company.

You have friends in the organization, and you will want to keep them. At the same time, you must avoid favoritism. You can do this by being even-handed in how you allocate time to employees, and by being objective in how you distribute praise and awards. In addition, recognize that your position as the boss changes the chemistry of the team that made you successful. Give everyone a chance to adjust to new roles and relationships. Being able to strike the right balance between friendship and fairness, and between bossing and teamwork, will be a key factor in gaining the organization’s support of your leadership.

Establishing new relationships with your former colleagues will not be the only challenge you face. You also will need to discard your junior image and redefine yourself to the company. Don’t assume you know what is expected of you. Take the time to learn what your superiors and your internal customers want from you.

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