Interview Cheat Sheet

In the Days Before the Interview

  1. Draw a line down the center of a piece of paper. On the left side, make a bulleted list of what the employer is looking for based on the job posting. On the right side, make a bulleted list of the qualities you possess that fit those requirements.
  2. Research the company, the industry and the competition.
  3. Prepare your 60-second personal statement—your answer

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Interviewers’ Pet Peeves

Here are seven of the most common peeves provided by experienced interviewers, along with some tips on how to avoid them:

  1. Smells: Too Much of a Good Smell Can Be Bad
    Pat Riley, author of Secrets of Breaking into Pharmaceutical Sales, has a pet peeve story to relate: “Preparing for an interview is not like preparing for a date. I had one interview with a

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Sell Yourself

Interviewing is about selling. Keep these three points in mind:

  1. The product you’re selling is you. Give them reasons to buy.
  2. Tell them what you can do for them. Emphasize what you can bring to the company‚ department and position.
  3. Convince them that your product is better than the competition’s.

Six Rules to Follow When Asking for Feedback

  1. Be sure to relay your disappointment in not getting the offer and say that you would be interested in interviewing if anything opens up. Emphasize that this company is still your top choice.
  2. Politely ask if there is any feedback that would help you improve your chances in your next interview. Was there anything in particular that could

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Talking Salary – Quick Tip

Timing is everything in the interview. Let them bring up the subject of money. If you are asked what your salary expectations are too early in the process‚ just say you would rather postpone that discussion until you have more information about the position. Ask‚ “Could you tell me the range budgeted for the position?”