Basics of a Successful Hunt

To help you conclude your next job search with a sure kill, Fast Company asked Nick A. Corcodilos, author of the myth-busting book titled “Ask the Headhunter”, to map out a plan for reinventing the rules of the hunt.

  1. Your resume is meaningless.
    Headhunters know that a resume rarely gets you inside a company. A resume can’t defend you or answer questions about you.

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Use the Web to Get Info on Preferred Companies

Despite all the promise of Internet job hunting, a tiny proportion of jobs are filled online. Forrester Research found that even at the peak of the tech boom, only 4% of job hunters found employment through online boards. (Help-wanted ads scored a 23% success rate that same year.) “Job boards are a research tool, not a matchmaking service,” says Margaret Riley Dikel of the Riley … [ Read more ]