8 Career Anchors

The concept of the career anchor was first developed some thirty years ago by Edgar Schein, a Sloan Fellows Professor of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Schein says that people are primarily motivated by one of eight anchors–priorities that define how they see themselves and how they see their work.

The eight anchors:

  1. Technical/functional competence. The key for a person with

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9 Unconventional Strategies for Reinventing Your Career

  1. Act your way into a new way of thinking and being. You cannot discover yourself by introspection.
    Start by changing what you do. Try different paths. Take action, and then use the feedback from your actions to figure out what you think, feel, and want. Don’t try to analyze or plan your way into a new career. Conventional strategies advocated by self-assessment manuals and traditional

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Preparing for Negotiation

Think carefully through your employer’s choice as you get set to negotiate over salary. Put yourself in their shoes and keep on asking yourself whether it sounds reasonable, fair, and appropriate from their point of view. Just because you want more money, it may not be reasonable from your employer’s point of view to pay it to you. Think about how your boss could explain … [ Read more ]