Quality and comprehensive questions score points. Do not discuss job mechanics.
- What is the number one priority of the person who accepts this job?
- What do you consider the five most important day-to-day responsibilities of this job?
- What do you see as the strengths of the department?
- What does the department hope to achieve in the next two to three years? How will that help the company?
- How receptive is the organization to new ideas?
- What training and professional development programs are available to help me grow professionally?
- What are my potential career paths within the company?
- What are the organization’s future plans and goals?
- What is the company’s mission? What are the company’s goals?
- What is unique about the way this company operates?
- What are some examples of the best results produced by people in this position?
- What expansion is planned for this department, division, or facility?
- What markets does the company anticipate developing?
- What is the biggest single problem facing the organization now?
- Currently, what new product/service/client is the company actively pursuing?
- How do market trends affect company growth and progress?
- During the training period, how much exposure is there to different areas of the firm?
- How much of the training program is in a classroom, and how much is on the job?
- After the training period, how much choice does one have in the area to which one is assigned.
- How do you feel this firm differs from (another in the same industry)?
- What do you feel are the key reasons an individual would choose this firm over your competitors?
- To your clients, what advantages do you offer over your competitors?
- What do you like best about this company? Least?
- What skills have helped you the most?
Source: Turning the Tables in the Interview
Original Publication: Career Recruitment Media, Inc.
Subjects: “Interviewing” Companies, Interviewing
Original Publication: Career Recruitment Media, Inc.
Subjects: “Interviewing” Companies, Interviewing
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