Position Comparison Guide

Directions: Compare the position you have now with the one you are considering, according to the following elements:

Current job

 New job

 Element under consideration

 Position title

 Supervisory responsibility

 Project authority

 Decision-making autonomy

 Freedom to implement ideas

 Freedom to affect change

 Promotion potential

 Challenge of tasks

 Ability to meet expectations

 Access to skill training

 Professional growth potential

 Company/industry growth

 Company/industry stability

 Starting salary

 Future compensation

 Company benefits, perks

 Commuting distance

 Travel requirements

 Working environment

 Rapport with co-workers

 Rapport with management

 Comfort with corporate culture

 Other considerations (specify)

            Current job

 New job

 Element under consideration



 Base salary



 Bonus, perks



 Profit sharing potential



 Value of stock or equity






 401(k) contribution, tax savings



 Reimbursed expenses



 Cost of living differential (+/-)



 Non-reimbursed moving expenses



 Job-related travel expenses



 Insurance premiums



 Property taxes



 State taxes



 Sales taxes



 Other expenses (specify)

Current job $________________ New job $________________

New job differential (+/-) $___________

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